Monday, November 24, 2008

Episode 6: Fast vs Slow Zombies

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voicenyerhed said...

well, loy, you finally picked an argument that i can agree with you on. fast zombies are, without a doubt, scarrier than slow zombies. i can't even believe anyone could try to argue differently. slow zombies may be a little more dramatic, but seriously who would be scared of a zombie that you could simply just walk away from. and as far as signs of intelligence, i must reference "i am legend". the zombies actually adapted to his hunting techniques and used one of his beloved manequins as bait, showing that they had been studying his behavior. that my friend is intelligent. sorry dave, but on this one you are way wrong.

Reverend Loy said...

Ah lucky, I knew that despite your knowing the scarecrow that you had opinions of your own...:-)

Benni said...

Hahaha! I can't wait to see you guys in person!

Benni said...

Oh, this is Benni, who worked w/ Dave in Summer 2007, btw. I met Loy at Comic Con 2007. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave and Loy,

For me the more important distinction is if the zombies are raised by the dark arts of if they are "live" people suffering from a virus or mutation.

If the zombies were raised by otherworldly means it doesn't matter if they are fast or slow. We really just need to know how many hit die they have as counterspells would undoubtedly be more effective than shotguns...

When the "zombies" are simply diseased/mutated humans, well, that really scares me. You can't simply "send them back," you have to kill them or starve them or whatever. And even the slow zombies can be a real pain if you have to wait for them to starve to death.

Reverend Loy said...

Holy Cow I think Dave and I have been educated! DL you have actually come up with an argument the Scarecrow and I hadn't thought of! Kudos, my man.