Monday, November 24, 2008

A Message From Dave And Loy

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Vérité Parlant said...

I'll check out more of your videos, but as I read your profile I chuckled. I can't believe some of us are still getting the 'you talk white' thing, which is what I grew up being told or "You talk proper." Back in the day I had to call people for an African-American congregation and folks would answer the phone and start whispering to other people in the house as though I was a bill collector or something. I'd hear them say stuff like "Mary, some white lady's on the phone for you."

Also, once in a meeting, I commented to the group briefly and when I was done, this white lady exclaimed, possibly before she caught herself, "Wow! You talk like a book." LOL. So, I'm thinking there's more to what the voice sounds like than talking white, as I'm sure you know.

It's sad that people think to sound intelligent means to sound white. It's downright depressing that some black people still think this way.

My son, a senior in high school, has been peeved as well because he gets "You're Carlton," the wealthy black kid from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. And we're so not wealthy. He's also been told that he's not really black from white kids. I advised him not worry about it. Black is in the soul not the accent.

My adult daughter is often asked if she's from America. Oy!

Chunks of Reality said...

Just signed up. :)